
This one word has limitless power. When people rely on people, they often become disappointed because of mistakes the person will end up making. We are all human and we all make mistakes. This is why it is extremely hard for people to trust each other. 

A person could be faithful over a million times, but then make one mistake and have that trust taken from them. I think trusting others is terrifying because we can't control what others think, do, or say. We don't know if that person will slip up or make that one mistake with us. It makes us feel vulnerable and not in control. However, I believe trust is necessary even when it's hard. God created us for connections. We are built to need each other and help each other. We can't ask for help when we don't trust. 

One way I can demonstrate trust is by simply trusting myself. With integrity, I will prove that I am trustworthy. Trust is a gift that people deserve to be given.  Many people think that trust first needs to be earned, but the reality is that there is not enough time for everyone to earn trust before it is needed. However, I believe it is important that you be cautious about how much trust you give out and to whom. 

God also wants us to trust him! He has never let us down and never will. He is the ultimate example of someone who is trustworthy. He knows what we need before we even do. He is who I try to put my trust into 100% of the time. Even though he has not let me down, it is still extremely hard to trust and I think this is because it's not in my control. 


  1. Your words "A person could be faithful over a million times, but then make one mistake" are so true! We let one thing have more value than a truck load! And we can hold on to the one for a long time!


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