In my graduate class, we watched a video titled The Power of Vulnerability by Brene Brown. This video was very insightful and inspiring as it addressed how vital connections are and how challenging it can be to form a genuine relationship. This can only happen through vulnerability.  Brene Brown stated four propositions at the end of her talk including; "Let ourselves be seen, Love with our whole hearts, Practice gratitude; lean into joy, and I am enough." These statements are all compelling.  The statement that stands out to me the most is, "I am enough." 

I often find myself telling myself, "You are enough" when I am feeling inadequate. I grew up in a large family where I would always compare myself to my siblings, and when I didn't meet their standards or could not do things as well as them, which happened A LOT, I would shut down or give up thinking that it defined me. Now I know that is NOT that truth! It does not matter what I can and can not do; I am already enough. God made me in his image, and that is more than enough. 

Image result for comparison is the thief of joy

Teddy Roosevelt once said, "Comparison is the thief of joy." This has been my life motto time after time. We as humans or as teachers can get stuck in the rut of what someone else is accomplishing that we often become blind to the great things in our own life. I used to be a very competitive teacher. I would find myself comparing myself to the other teachers which either left me feeling superior or inferior. The thing is, neither of those feelings truly mattered. Life is not a competition, and things go better when we all work together. 

Maybe you are reading this and thinking, "I already know I am enough." Then perhaps you need to realize that others are also enough. 


  1. Yes you are, Kathy! I am so blessed to be Critical Friends with you! Comparison is the thief of Joy and satan is the thief. God is Joy! I love you, but God loves you best!

  2. Kathy! Your blog post is so relatable. It can be really easy to compare but ultimately we are all different. I really like how you ended with the thought that we are all enough. Honestly, having different teachers and different styles really helps shape our students. We can't be the same. The variety and style is important to share with our students. Nice insights!

  3. Kathy,
    I love how vulnerable you were able to be with this post. I still find myself comparing silly things like my teaching style to others. That is one thing that could NEVER be compared to anyone. I love that you embrace uniqueness, and the need for teamwork and collaboration over comparison. It is better when we work together. I am lucky to be in your learning community!


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