These two are not only my friends but the dynamic duo when it comes to leadership, one is a teacher and the other is a pastor. Both display RADICAL LEAP leadership characteristics.  They have opened their home on Monday nights where they lead a life group of 20 and 30-year-olds in supporting each other through the journey of life as we learn more about Jesus. Their genuine love for God and people creates energy which turns into action! These two are continually showing and telling people that they believe in them and know their capacity to do great and wonderous things. They inspire audacity by having the courage to inspire others to take bold risks and to stand up for what they believe. I have never doubted these two as leaders because I see the proof every time I am near them. They are always standing up for what is right and encourage me to do the same! They have inspired me to think about my motivation for my actions before I take the first step.


  1. Love the Dynamic Duo description! Praise and Thanksgiving for their dedication to our Awesome God!

    1. So inspired by this post and the actions of the Dynamic Duo. Last week when our pastor was giving his message he stated, "You can find any information on this phone that you will ever want to learn. You can find messages much more powerful than mine. But you can not put relationships in your pocket". Life groups meet and help Christians mature in their walk with Christ. Life groups are people with whom you do life. I am part of two life groups and God is using both groups to change me and mature me as a Christian. Please keep meeting with life group(s).


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