Someone Else's Success Is Not Your Failure
If we don't watch how we think, we can easily find ourselves on the endless road of jealousy. Nowadays it is even easier to do this with all the technology at the tip of our hands. You can spend just an hour looking at Facebook and see that someone got engaged, someone got married, someone got a top-dollar job, someone bought a new house, someone had a baby, and someone went on an extravagant vacation. Often times, if you don't control your thinking, the comparison starts, you may realize that you just spent an hour staring at other's accomplishments while you are still in your PJ's! Yes, this could make you feel like a failure, but the thing is just because someone else is having great success doesn't mean you are a failure or that you are not doing well in life! Many people would actually probably wish to be in the same situation as you are... in your PJs, relaxing with your SMART phone. If we don't control our thinking, you may even begin to hate those people who are experiencing the success that you so desire! This is where it gets tricky! When someone else experiences success, it has NOTHING to do with your path! It does not define you in any way! It is important to simply be happy for them and not compare their life to yours! We wouldn't compare pizza to ice cream because they are so different! When someone decides to eat pizza, it doesn't make ice cream less enjoyable!
I wish I would have learned this quote earlier than I did! I spent much of my life being jealous of my siblings and friends! After being in 18 weddings and not being married myself, I started to truly feel like a failure! Every time I heard about another engagement, I instantly felt like it was a slap across my face reminding me of how much I suck! When I started to live by this quote, I experienced more freedom than I could ever imagine! When someone shares their success, I am happy for them! I don't even think about my own life! It isn't about me at all!
Your pace is perfect!