Gratitude is something that I could write about forever! There are many people, experiences, and things I am forever grateful for. I truly have an attitude for gratitude. I could write pages among pages about this topic, but I was instructed to only write a "short" blog post so I'll do my best.
To my one and only little sister AKA Toodles, Jenny Brenny, and Baby Sister:
You are one of my greatest blessings I have in life, not because of anything you have done for me, even though I LOVE when you do my hair, dress me, share your baby, loan me things, listen to my never-ending stories, laugh at my jokes, and help me time and time again, but because of who YOU are. You are part of who I am. "You are the syrup on top of the ice cream sundae, the cherry topping." To put more of a "Kat" spin on it, you are the "red stuff" on meatloaf. From making grit sausage to our walks outside to sitting on the doorstep watching Dad and the hearse leave our yard for the very last time, I am blessed that you are at my side. I am forever grateful that you are a part of my life. Love you, kid! :)

To my one and only little sister AKA Toodles, Jenny Brenny, and Baby Sister:
You are one of my greatest blessings I have in life, not because of anything you have done for me, even though I LOVE when you do my hair, dress me, share your baby, loan me things, listen to my never-ending stories, laugh at my jokes, and help me time and time again, but because of who YOU are. You are part of who I am. "You are the syrup on top of the ice cream sundae, the cherry topping." To put more of a "Kat" spin on it, you are the "red stuff" on meatloaf. From making grit sausage to our walks outside to sitting on the doorstep watching Dad and the hearse leave our yard for the very last time, I am blessed that you are at my side. I am forever grateful that you are a part of my life. Love you, kid! :)

Oh Kat, I want the long version the "short blog" wasn't enough! I love you to the moon! But God loves you the bestest!