“If you work with your hands, your head, your heart and your soul, you are an artist" (St. Francis of Assisi).

Hands, Head, Heart, Soul For a teacher to reach each and every one of her child's needs individually she needs to work with her hands, head, heart, and soul.

Inspiring teachers use their hands to get things done, their heads to make wise and non-emotional based decisions, their hearts to lead with empathy and understanding, and their soul to know that they have the ability to help lead, shape, and guide each child on their path of life.

The best teachers feel with their heart and soul, even while knowing with their head that the time they have with each child is minimal on the roadmap of life, but the impact or possibilities they could create for each child are endless and carry on throughout life! Knowing and feeling this inspires these teachers to use their hands to get things done!


  1. Kathy, you reach out with your hand to your students offering what they need for success because you use your head to determine the necessary skills. Your heart pours out love to each one because your soul is guided by the Holy Spirit! Well done, good and faithful servant!


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