Summer Adaptations

This summer I learned that sometimes adapting means saying, "No" to the things that can wait or can be delegated to someone else. It's been a challenge to find time to get everything accomplished and still find time to enjoy life. I decided the best thing for me to do was take a month break from helping at my church so I could focus on school and my personal life. Taking this break means that the other volunteers in my church will also have to adapt by helping out more. I love helping at my church and am excited to get back once things slow down. I have also had to say no to friends and family members who needed my help or wanted to spend time together.  Even though I have had to say no a few times, I have been doing a great job at balancing my school work with my summer life. I have found the importance of prioritizing! 


  1. It really sounds like you are putting you first. It is so easy to over extend yourself to help others but being able to see it is key. You stepping away from church a bit may give someone a really great opportunity. Nice thoughts!

  2. Kathy, I think saying no is such a important skill to develop. You aren't quitting, and that can be what we fear in saying NO. You are simply saying, not now. Church, family, and friends are all understanding communities that will support you in furthering your education. Great job calling out this pesky adaptation.

  3. The ability to say no is such a crucial skill! I feel that because of the profession that we are in, it is second nature to put others before ourselves. But, in turn, then we are forfeiting our own needs. It is something that I struggle with myself. I have a hard time saying no and more stacks up on my plate until I feel overwhelmed and stressed out. Kudos to you for finding that balance and putting yourself first! We can't be our best selves if we are burnt out and running on fumes.


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